• +90 216 599 04 92
  • ipec2024@turetimekonomisi.org
  • İstanbul, Turkey

About Prosumer Economy Society

Prosumer Economy Society was established in December 2015 by social entrepreneurs, civil society experts, researchers, scientists, ecology and human rights activists, financial technology and sustainability investors. Its purpose is to conduct research on ecologically and socially fair business models, strengthen and promote best practices, and inform the public about the positive effects of the prosumer economy on nature conservation and the construction of a sustainable society. Since its establishment, the society has been conducting various activities to establish a direct relationship between ecologically and socially fair producers and prosumers in different regions of Turkey, and to establish a sustainable, circular, and fair economy. Today, within the scope of the society’s impact, there are over 400 producers and more than 20,000 prosumers. Through https://turetimekonomisi.org/ you can reach the website.

About Green Thought Association

The Green Thought Association was founded in 2009 with the aim of promoting green thinking and green policies within society. Our association conducts its work through national and international projects and campaigns. Our main areas of focus include ecology and sustainability, democracy and media, climate change and energy, economy, and social policies.

Our vision is to focus on ensuring the widespread adoption of green policies and green thinking in Turkey. Our mission is to implement policies and initiatives to create festive, collective, participatory, transparent, sustainable, resilient, and self-sufficient communities. Additionally, we strive to alter existing policies based on the concept of justice to secure the present, future, and the planet against the destructive impacts of the climate and ecological crises. Through https://www.yesildusunce.org/ you can reach the website.